What is WinknLink?
A social app that connects users in real time, through location, via our patent pending algorithm DrinkDNA and FoodDNA. We took out race and link you on commonality.
What is DrinkDNA?
The drinks you love! Any kind of drinks you love. Coffee, juices, wines, specialty cocktails or craft beers.
What is FoodDNA?
Like the DrinkDNA, these are bites that you love. Pork tacos, gourmet burgers, sushi, etc. Connect through food and even set up group outings at your favorite restaurants and cafes.
Is this a dating app?
Yes, it is a dating app, if you want it to be. It’s also for group drinking, networking and meeting new people. You’re just a wink away from making new friends. We like to call ourselves the “MEET NOW” app. Those other apps have a LONG-drawn-out process to meet, we solved that by linking you instantly.
Wink Mode vs Link Mode
Wink and Link modes allow people to broadcast their current status.
Wink mode is for users who are interested in meeting new people, but aren’t necessarily ready to meet instantly. You’re just browsing who is on the platform, we hope someone catches your eye.
Link mode is for those who are already out and about, and ready to MEET NOW with new people. We don’t want you to chat all day, we want you to be intentional and what better way than to meet at a local establishment without giving out your personal information.
What is a Wink?
Just like in real life, a wink is a way to let another user know you are interested in them. “Wink” is also the name of our mascot.
What are Group Drinks?
A way to group people in your life together for outings. You can set a group for happy hour with co-workers, a Taco Tuesday group, or a girls’ night out group. Invite your friends to join, group up and have fun!
VIP Experience
For a more private experience, take full advantage of everything our app has to offer without being visible to public WinknLink users – unless you decide to Wink to them first. VIP Members can also send unlimited chats to all users. In addition, VIP users can see ratings that are given to them by users with whom they have met up with.
What are Prepaid Drinks?
Just like it sounds, prepaid drinks allow you to purchase select menu items from our network of bar and restaurant partners through the WinknLink application. Upon purchase users will receive a QR Code for redemption at the establishment. Venus must be registered partners in our admin portal.
Rating Users
Rate your date was put in place to help users know how other users view them. Rating views are only available for users who purchase VIP.